
Hui No Ke Ola Pono Resources

Helping children cope with the stress of COVID-19

Children may respond to stress in different ways. Respond to your child’s reactions in a supportive way, listen to their concerns and give them extra love and attention. (Read more)

DIY Cloth Face Covering Instructions

How To Wear Cloth Face Coverings – Here’s some information on Use of Cloth Face Coverings to Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19 (View Document)

Maui Resources

Here’s a list of resources here during these hard times. From Food Pantries to applications for emergency aid for Native Hawaiians and Hawaii residents. (Click here to view list of resources)

How To Avoid Getting Sick

We should all be staying at home, social distancing, hand washing, gloves, masks, disinfecting, etc. But very little has been written about the other half of the equation: how to enhance your immune system so that if you are exposed, you can reduce the chances of getting sick—or at least mitigate the intensity of the disease and thus reduce the death rate. 

Nutrition for a healthy & Strong Immune System

Ornish Lifestyle Medicine – We do not always have control of our environment, such as exposure to disease and viruses as we are experiencing with the current Covid-19 pandemic. However, we do have control of how we nourish ourselves including our food choices and lifestyle. (Visit page for more info)

Keiki Meals

Resources for meals for keiki during this time they out on extended break. During the extended Spring Break period, a total of 38 Hawaii public schools will be providing breakfast and lunch to children who are 18 years or younger. They will be able to stop by one of the designated schools (click here to view list) to pick up a grab-and-go meal.

Dr. Jill's Daily Dose

Dr. Jill’s Daily Dose videos on our facebook page. Watch short & sweet centering practices from Dr Jill. (View Video)

Dr. Haynes Pearls of Wisdom

Take a few moments and listen to the wisdom and advice from Hui No Ke Ola Pono’s Medical Director, Dr Heather Haynes, a practicing Internist. (Watch Video)

COVID-19 Related Cyber Scams

Mass emails posing as legitimate medical and/or health organizations, some with attachments supposedly containing pertinent information regarding Coronavirus. (Read the post)


Exercise – Videos that will help you exercise at home. Hui No Ke Ola Pono 30-minute workout beginner Cardio physical therapy. (Watch Video)

Cultivating Self Compassion

Learn how to care for and love yourself unconditionally. If you are a caregiver, in any capacity, it’s equally important to learn how to care for yourself. (Watch Video)

Stress Management

Stress Management – Here’s a one hour practice that our own Michelle has recorded and made available. (Watch Video)